Rwanda KPAY Africa Online Feasibility Study and Consulting Section

We support our clients with SMART Online feasibility study for proper Real Estate and Industrial packages and fit out solution that fit client needs and good renting or resale solution for the client integrated with Africa, Europe and USA Investor Business Market Research as business engineering solutions for commercial or industrial projects. We have experience for International project management plan with PMP certified team for project master plan with full knowledge area experience to meet the project optimum scope, cost and schedule plan w.r.t consulting firm integration.

 Technical Engineering Feasibility

This assessment focuses on the technical resources available to the organization. It helps organizations determine whether the technical resources meet capacity and whether the technical team is capable of converting the ideas into working systems. Technical feasibility also involves the evaluation of the hardware, software, and other technical requirements of the proposed system. 

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2 Million RWF​

Legal Engineering Feasibility

This assessment investigates whether any aspect of the proposed project conflicts with legal requirements like zoning laws, data protection acts or social media laws. Let’s say an organization wants to construct a new office building in a specific location. A feasibility study might reveal the organization’s ideal location isn’t zoned for that type of business. That organization has just saved considerable time and effort by learning that their project was not feasible right from the beginning.

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4 Million RWF​

Economic Engineering Feasibility

This assessment typically involves a cost/ benefits analysis of the project, helping organizations determine the viability, cost, and benefits associated with a project before financial resources are allocated. It also serves as an independent project assessment and enhances project credibility—helping decision-makers determine the positive economic benefits to the organization that the proposed project will provide.

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5 Million RWF​

 Operational Engineering Feasibility

This assessment involves undertaking a study to analyze and determine whether—and how well—the organization’s needs can be met by completing the project. Operational feasibility studies also examine how a project plan satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development.

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1 Million RWF​

Scheduling Engineering Feasibility

This assessment is the most important for project success; after all, a project will fail if not completed on time. In scheduling feasibility, an organization estimates how much time the project will take to complete.

When these areas have all been examined, the feasibility analysis helps identify any constraints the proposed project may face, including:

  • Internal Project Constraints: Technical, Technology, Budget, Resource, etc.
  • Internal Corporate Constraints: Financial, Marketing, Export, etc.
  • External Constraints: Logistics, Environment, Laws, and Regulations, etc.

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8 Million RWF​